Thursday, September 23, 2010

Omygosh! So yes i have changed a liiiiiiiiitttle bit since high school...

Not in the way you'd think tho.. I can sleep through my alarm clock!!! That, is bad. This is the second time i have missed Public speaking due to car failure and alarm clock failure. So things to do:

1. New carr! Hahahaha i wish no really..
1! New car BATTERY (there we go)
2. New alarm clock... Well maybe this should be #1..... OH WELL!

Btw, Karma, I'm currently pissed off at you. Not because you didnt repay a few ppl for me, but because i'm still waitin for a lil happiness here. That nice lil pay check was good dont get me wrong but really?? Is that all for all that shit? Im gonna start countin in interest too ya know!!

Ahh back to the point... I don't wanna goto class today, at all. Tis how i've changed.. I love school, and work, i just dont get enough sleep to fully focus. But anyway, back to the day! Bed, I'm sorry i left you. Please take me back?! OH AND TACOS AT MILEENES! WOOOHOO

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Not Afraid..

For some reason it feels like Eminems song titles are writin my life's song. Cuz.. Im goin Thru Changes, but im not afraid at the same time. But dyin inside everyday a lil more by the hr. Im hatin my reflection, i walk around tryin to avoid mirrors... I say i dont care what people think, but the truth is that it's always drove me crazy. I was teased for years, about whatever they could find wrong with me. Still am to this day. It's like the minute i think i'm atleast ok, or semi-good looking someone turns around  and shuts me down.

The thing thats currently killin me is the fact that *your* best friend doesnt care bout thaat other fact, but the fact that its me. BAsically stated imma piece of shit, funny huh how these words can effect me so.. I dont like you, fact, I wish we were still friends, fact. But its hard to be friends with someone who doesnt know the whole story nd who hates you for no reason... Kinda sad... But Life goes on *duh duh dun dun*......

Today i lost myself in the music... Haha i was dancin at work and singin. Michelle was laughin hysterically. But i was havin a blast.

But the whole point of this one is that I'm sick of feelin down, Music makes me happy, so imma drag my dreams outta the dirt and go for it all. It may take me awhile but i'm sick of feelin weak, or not good enough for people. WHO CARES! Im good enough for myself right? I love who i am. Im an ass at times but hey who isnt?! So its time to quit playin with the scissors nd cut the crap. I may fall down somedays like today, cryin my eyes out, torn apart at the seams but. Imma stand up and fight my demons. Haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead. Because Imma shoot for the stars, and i dont might if i atleast land among the stars (:

Friday, September 17, 2010

To Ebstie This Is.

Hmmm My first blog... OMG IM NOT BEING GRADED ON THIS! WOOOHOOO (: haha jk... Well so far Ebstie is the only subscriber... ... ... So this is about you!

Oh Ebstie, My Ebstie fo sho, yeah you know.. So First of all Twizzlers are not good for your health either way, idc what science says.. NO.

Well imma first start at the beginning of the friendship, You remember soooo much more than i do. I personally think i had more head trauma. But who knows! But yes i kicked your ass in Mario Kart, Star Wars, ummm SSX Tricky, Um That other game, that one too, oh yeah and that one too! XD But i wanna say this....

You are my other half, my bestie, my Ebstie, Like one of the greatest things to ever happen to me in this life. Been there through it all, even my Bi-Polar/angry/depressed days, even when i was a bitch to you. You stayed there. You always helped.

Gotta admit, it's kinda hard bein anywhere without you because there's no one to finish my sentences, tell me "well i get it even if they dont" or "dont worry i knew what you meant".. There's no one to mix random foods with me and lay upsidown watchin Degrassi, no one to burn food or leave a pot boiling FOREVER till it boils away. No one to yell TWINKIES with.. .. No one to randomly drive around and scream songs to the world horribly off key.. When times get hard you made me laugh, ya still do, but its different. You're not here, You're not here to come running into my room and throw some random-object at me just so I'll quit bein Emo. No one can ever replace you, you're too randomlyawesomeandtotallynutsbutsaneatthesametime.

So Ebstie.. I dont care what happens, where we go, what ppl say, even when they say we'll seperate, we never will. Distance maybe, but you own the electric company thatruns my heart. Even if someone has my heart, it wouldnt be still beatin without my Ebstie, tis why i love thee! So yes i'm done. I WUV YOU EBBSTIE!